Sunday, April 14, 2013

Numbness in Face and Hands

Numbness in Face and Hands

Many diseases can cause numbness of the face. As Mayo Clinic tell, numbness and tangling is the low-down of feeling or sensation in a body part of a person. Nerve Irritation or compression or certain diseases, with diseases of brain and spinal cord can cause numbness. Numbness occurs often in combination with the other symptoms, and only rarely is indicative of a deadly disease.

Numbness in face that comes and goes

Bell's palsy is a condition that could make tingling and numbness in the face. And according to Neurological Disorders and disease National Institute, Bell's palsy is the most famous kind of facial paralysis. Damage to a nerve causes facial paralysis. Bell's palsy usually occurs on one edge of the face, and in some cases can affect both sides. Symptoms of Bell's palsy occur suddenly and reach maximum intensity through 48 hours Famous symptoms in addition to the numbness in face, drooping eyelids, drooling, eyes or dry mouth, including muscle weakness decreased taste and watery eyes. The viral infection which makes a person's facial nerve swells can cause Bell's palsy.

Numbness in left side of face

Paralytic-shellfish-poisoning - is an infection or a disease which could make tingling and tingling in face too. Prevention states and The Centers for Disease Control which toxins produced by microscopic marine plants, is called din flagellates and cause paralytic shellfish poisoning. Marine toxin responsible that's for paralytic-shellfish-poisoning concentrated in certain shellfish in waters off Pacific coast and New England, including mussels and cockles. Paralytic shellfish poisoning the Symptoms usually appear within 20 minutes to 12 hours after a person eats contaminated seafood, and common symptoms of paralytic shellfish poisoning include numbness in face, arms and legs, dizziness, nausea and the loss of coordination.

Shingles is an infection which could be a reason for numbness in the face. So according to the Dermatology American Academy, the same virus that causes shingles, also it knows as shingles, chickenpox first. Disappears after chickenpox, the virus lies dormant in certain nerve cells in the body of a person. When virus reactivates, zoster develops and could be strongly painful. About 30 percent of the people who have had chickenpox herpes will experience in life later, and major people who develop shingles have a single combat. According to the National Institutes of Health, the signs and symptoms of herpes zoster include National unilateral pain, tingling or burning skin rashes, blisters, abdominal pain, headaches and vision problems even in some cases. Shingles - related rash may involve face, ears, eyes and mouth.

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