[Download Numbness In Face Full Guide Here] Lots of several things that can cause numbness in face and any part
of the body, and some of these things can also cause numbness and tingling in face. We
say "some" of these things, because there are a number of causes that
are not really applicable to facial nerves or muscles. If you sleep on your
arm, you may feel that your arm may stop responding, or "sleep", as
we call it. We slept on the face, or at least one side of it most of the time,
and rarely goes to sleep. For tingling in face occurs, or the bloodstream should be limited
or cut off the blood supply to part of the nervous system must be stopped, or a
nerve to be damaged, irritated, or sick. There are cases where the pressure on
the facial muscles cause drowsiness, but these pressures are not sleeping in
the face and health care is usually required to determine the underlying cause.
Numbness in face and facial muscles
We have a lot of facial muscles. They are involved in all
kinds of chewing food, bright eyes, smile or frown. And the controller of these
muxcles is nerves, and if the nerves are not working properly, one or more of
three things can happen. The first is that the muscles can not function, and
another is that the numbness set in. This condition can be partial or total. In
most cases, stiffness or lack of muscle control is partial, because there is a
network of nerves extending face. Muscles where you feel numbness specially numbness in face, or if a
malfunction or not depends, of course, the nerves that are involved in this
network. The third thing, about tingling in the face and muscle control, is a situation where
the nerve can cause pain instead of numbness, facial pain, but beyond the scope
of this discussion.
There is a ridge on the base of the brain that controls the
network nerves of face. And it is sometimes we called the facial nerve, which
can be somehow terrible, and sometimes called the seventh cranial nerve, which
does not say much. The term most commonly used is the trigeminal nerve, which
branches into the network called facial nerves. If one of these branches damaged,
or the blood supply to a branch of the nerve is interrupted, partial facial
numbness and / or can cause paralysis. If the trigeminal nerve is damaged,
numbness and / or paralysis may be complete.